Tuesday, October 28, 2008


I wore a skirt that hit right at my waist with a belt (and shirt of course) to Morgan's baby blessing a few Sundays ago. At the house after, I passed my grandpa in the kitchen on my way to the soup. My grandma was also standing there and as I went by my grandpa turned to her and said "Em has a model waist." And I fell on the floor from how awesome it was to hear those words. But then I stood up and right there decided that man is the only one I ever need in my life. My grandma quickly agreed "Oh yes." and I decided right there that she is the only woman I ever need in my life.

I responded the only way I seem to know how to respond to compliments which is by denying it of course. You see, I'm nowhere near any kind of model size and I am a girl with some junk in the trunk and on the sides and thighs too. So I said something about how I love belts, but I'm sometimes afraid too much stuff and hip and booty squishes out the bottom when I wear them. But my grandma informed me that I'm young and that actually she knows that boys like the stuff and hips and booty. How fantastic!

On top of that, Tasha's Grandma Bev recently cleaned out her closet and had belts o'plenty for the taking. In order to understand that that means the belts are all awesome as can be, you should know that this is Tasha's Grandma Bev:

So with the confidence that only handsome and classy grandparents can give a girl, and armed with the best belts free can buy, I've been walking around the last few weeks like I'm hot stuff.

But I worry...too much? How many times a week can/should I really being doing this? Will my friends and family tell me if it gets too bad? Do boys really like it? Will it suddenly be 20 years in the future and I'll still be squeezing into belts that were 20 years old 20 years ago?

These are all very important questions.


Kylie said...

I think you pull off the belt really well! I can't seem to figure belts out. Every time I try the belt look I always think I look stupid. Maybe I just don't have the right belts. :)

Meikel said...

amazing belts, amazing hair! Aren't grandparents the best!

k8 said...

um, maybe bring belts when you come to boston.

cropstar said...

Oh I say work it while you can for as long as you can. Your belts and model waist look great! Don't deprive the world of that.

Twinkie said...

You should never give up the belt. Seriously, when did it ever go out of style? And when do we care about what boys think? Do what makes you feel sassy and a badass. Plus, your fake boyfriend Danny will always love you and isn't that what really matters?

marlamuppets said...

first of all, your grandma rocks.
second of all, i love your belts. belts are my favorite! you can do so many fun things with them.
third of all isn't it great to just wear whatever you love and call it your own kind of fashion? :) so glad highschool is over.

T.R. said...

Belts are also functional. The ones you're wearing keep your shirt from falling down.

T.R. said...

I know that that never happens, but you can never be too careful.

Megan said...

first off i am not worried at all about you getting in a style rut.

second, i wish i had a waist.

third, God bless Bev!

i i eee said...

What's this? You should have asked me ages ago -- I could have told you about your model figure!

Vive la belts, I say!

Greg and Jayne said...

The black one is so great! And don't waste time not appreciating a cute little body! Plenty of time later to moan about extra junk - when you might actually have it. Or maybe not even then.

us said...

That reminds me of when my diva grandma passed away. We had a ball with her old clothed and jewelry. You can only imagine what the closet of an actress/model from the 60's looked like. It was amazing. Speaking of amazing, you look fantasitic. I long for my waist to be that skinny. You look great!