Thursday, May 15, 2008

sleeping diagonally

I'm usually a pretty great sleeper. When I'm really stressed out or worried, those feelings sneak into my unconsciousness and disrupt the night, but getting to sleep is usually pretty peaceful and quick for me.

I used to take forever falling asleep thinking about a million things, but after a summer semester of school years ago that really wore me out, I worked hard to focus on getting to sleep in a timely manner. There is NOTHING productive or useful that comes from laying in bed wide awake worrying about grades/work/life/boys/credit/insecurities/weight I need to lose/friends/ once I really focused on that, I've since generally pretty much been able to put my mind to rest when I slink into bed (plus now my credit is awesome and I totally don't make any life mistakes at all so it's easy!).

The past few nights however, I keep seeing 1:00am come and go because of a brain that won't. stop. thinking. Stinks, I didn't realize how easy I've it. A big sorry to all the people I know with legit sleeping issues. Maybe I'll start making late night phone calls though if this persists...


Chad and Sara said...

I hate when my brain won't stop! It drives me nuts not to fall asleep and get enough sleep. Hope you get some zzzzzz's soon.

Betsy said...

How did I not realize THIS blog was's a great day when I have two clifford's commenting on santosthefamily.

k8 said...

well you know who is also not sleeping when you start making those calls...