Tuesday, May 20, 2008

feathers and doom

To prepare for the new Indy flick on Thursday, I'm watching the first three in order. Especially now that I am an anthropology major and I know everything about ancient civilizations and archeology!

I know I've seen them all, but except for the freaky-deaky out of body beating heart that scared me to death as child, Nazis, something getting thrown out of a plane at some point, child slave labor, face meltings and "Dr. Jones! Dr. Jones!", I don't remember much. I do however, have in my brain that I really love those movies. I wonder if it's because in my mind the Indiana Jones movies are wrapped up in being a little kid and watching them with my family? I know for sure Logan and Christopher and I would watch them in elementary school when we weren't watching Iron Will on Friday nights...so they must be pretty good.

I watched Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark last week and it all came flooding back. The snakes, Sallah, the chases, the fights and the white dress Marion Ravenwood wears; it's all so exciting. And that movie score...sheesh, they don't make them like they used to.

Tonight is Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (my favorite I think because I remember loving Kate Capshaw's character) at Christopher and Tasha's house and if we can all stay awake, might even push through The Last Crusade. I can't wait!


JC said...

They've been showing them on some cable channel lately. And yes, they freakin rock! I like the Last Crusade the most, then Raiders. I love the whole India theme, too, in the second, but I am biased. I'll be back in 9 days, if it's as good as I'm hoping, we should go see it.

jen said...

You should've invited my hubby over...he's going to opening night or morning, whatever you wanna call it? So the shoes are Jessica Simpson & I think I got them from Dillard's last year? Look on her website...she has fun shoes!! I'm so glad you like them though!

Anonymous said...

Raiders is best
Last Crusade second
Temple of Doom is not so good.