It happened because I sit around on a computer all day, and I may or may not spend a lot of time on the internet. And while I make sure to be productive by staying on top of the important things like celebrity gossip, all y'alls blogs, and gofugyourself, I also keep myself busy hopping around too many design sites for my own good. Queen of them all is probably DesignSponge because it is organized well and very useful. And every Wednesday that clever Grace posts a brilliantly simple DIY project...and simple DIY projects are exactly my kind of craftiness.
I showed Tasha and Naomi this easy cake plate project and we decided it warranted a get together. So everyone brought some plates and some vases/candlesticks/goblets and 10 minutes later there were cake plates everywhere.
Here is Naomi's doctorate program partner in crime Kristen and the ever delightful Frances figuring out which plates work best with which bases.
Frances, Emily and Lizbot getting their craft on.
Emily had the idea to make a set of three. She used the same plates and two cups for the short two and then a taller vase for the third.
And they turned out really great because Emily is really great.
Liz was clever and made this adorable little tiny guy.
I was so happy that Michelle showed her cute face because she is one half of one of my favorite roommate duos EVER.
And Tasha came with the awesome rosemary lemonade even though she is a brand new mama (I don't know if I've mentioned I have a nephew). She also made a set of three but used different brass candlestick holders for her plates.
Julia is one of the most inherently creative people I know so of course she kind of made a killing as far as really cool finished plates went (those are her 3 and she left with 2 more).
Naomi made this really pretty one. It was the sole cake plate made for our apartment last night because you know, no extra space.
There is something really lovely about a table full of these guys. So many possibilities! And it was easy! How perfect!
We even still have some straggler supplies hanging around so please feel free to stop by anytime with your favorite plate...
10+ in jealousy right now.
BTW - can I please look as hot (or hotter, if that's possible) than Tasha after I have a baby. Please!
ok- I will need detailed instructions e-mailed to me asap. That is just about the greatest idea ever.
i'm stealing this idea.
I absolutely love, love, love it. Wish I could have been inspired by ya'll - but I am going to have to try this for myself.
Wow, I might actually try something crafty. Looks fun!
love it almost as much as I love you. And seriously, how can Tasha even be dressed and out and about? For pete's sake.
I am totally going to make a cake plate now!
Awwww. Thanks Emily, for the fabulous night, and for the nice comment! So fun!
ah! bring all the supplies to SF next week. you have made me want to participate in this project very very badly.
I love those. What a fabulous idea I must copy!
Uh, this is one of the coolest things I've ever seen. I'm so stealing your idea.
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