Thursday, June 12, 2008

why my mom is funny

(just to be clear, I called my sister a buttfor, not my mother. also, lest the internet think she's not a sophisticated lady, no bodily function/body part jokes for Jayne normally)


CoCo said...

Your post could not have been better timed. My sister-in-law is out of town and I was going to ask you about your hair friend so I can get a trim while I'm in town. NOW I have the info. Brilliant!

Ohhhh ... maybe I should see when Ryka Katie's getting her hair cut, so we can go at similar times?!

JC said...

Dickfor is funnier. She's still Jayne Clifford to me, by the way.

*Jane Lee* said...

Ok, is it sad when you actually laugh out loud? Buttfor... haven't heard that joke in a while. Good one!

Ireland Fam said...

It would be an honor to be stocked by you. As for the buttfor, you made my day.