Friday, March 28, 2008

kicking television

I have missed awesome TV since the strike and although it's all coming back I have been reduced to watching terrible, terrible shows like Cashmere Mofia on the network sites (please don't ever bring up in a public place that I've actually watched Cashmere Mofia). It's like Sex and the City if jr. high school girls were doing the writing and bought all the clothes at Sears and all the jewelry from Claire's.

But hulu has kind of changed my life this week and will carry me through until I get to Danny's to catch up on the last few episodes of America's Next Top Model and until 30 Rock starts up again.

What did people even do before the internet?


us said...

Amen! Why are we so entertained by the stupid television?

Whits said...

i tried to watch cashmere mafia but just couldn't take it after 15 mins. so true about jr high girls writing it and shopping at sears & claires. HAH