Friday, March 21, 2008

candy girl

The past couple of years members of my family have observed Lent. While it's actually a Catholic kind of thing the purpose behind Lent feels pretty true to non-Catholic me and this year my brother pointed out this nice thought from the Wikipedia entry:

The purpose of Lent is the preparation of the believer—through prayer, penitence, almsgiving and self-denial—for the annual commemoration of the Death and Resurrection of Jesus, which recalls the events linked to the Passion of Christ and culminates in Easter, the celebration of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.

I can get on board with giving up some kind of vice in order to prepare and focus more fully upon the meaning and reason we celebrate Easter so participating in Lent has become a nice tradition.

Every year I end seem to give up something sugar related because I eat a lot of it. This year starting Ash Wednesday, which was February 6th, I stopped eating candy for the 40 days until Easter Sunday (candy meaning really just candy, I don't include baked goods or cookies in with it). But candy by itself is brutal enough because during the period of Lent, let me remind you that both Valentine Day and Easter come in all their candied goodness. And Easter candy is the best of all holiday treats since candy of all kinds magically appear in egg-shaped form, not to mention the various Easter specific delights.

So while I'm not going to stuff myself full of candy on Sunday defeating the whole purpose of Lent in the first place...I am still very aware that we're T-minus 2 days until I can curl up with a bag of the love of my life again. Hello Beautiful.


Naomi said...

I happen to know where some are currently stashed away in our house, staying there until the great reveal!

Anonymous said...

Sadly Cadbury mini eggs are not to be found in Sweden. Thankfully my mom is sending us some Easter treats from Utah. Unfortunately Sweden is shutdown for Easter Friday thru Monday so the package will be here Tuesday at the earliest.

JC said...

you know they make those with peanut butter instead of chocolate? I could prob eat 6 or 7 bags

jess said...

I feel your pain.
I, however, must have the large, non-mini, creme filled Cadbury yumminess.
Easter was a treat.
Today I feel sick.