Tuesday, March 4, 2008

honey, this is the 90s

Okay I was wrong about the side kick guy in the last one, I guess I just wanted another Carl Winslow. As for the end, here is what I think:

-I can't believe the good guys turned bad!!
-I can't believe John McClane saved the day!! (yes I can)
-fuel fire to guide the planes, brilliant!!
-Like Holly I wonder why does this always happen to the McClanes?

I am on the 3rd one now, Die Hard: With A Vengeance and it is my favorite already because so far Samuel L. Jackson is awesome and when he says the f-word it really sounds like he means it. And I haven't looked on IMDB but please bless that the bad guy is Jeremy Irons.


Whits said...

This is awesome. When I was in high school my best friend and I started watching die hard on TV one night and we were making fun of how boys could like the movie so much. 5 minutes later we were sucked in. Then they showed 2 and 3. We stayed up all night watching all three.

Love John McClane.

Ems said...

fantastic! I wish I had done this in high school too.