Thursday, December 18, 2008

the friendly beasts

I feel a little scroogey this holiday season.

I have yet to drink any hot chocolate. I have been to no Sugarhouse streets nor Temple Squares famous for their lights a'plenty. I have done no Christmas shopping at all. At all! I haven't baked anything sweet, not even from a box. No knitting gift projects started. No festive parties attended. My half of house decorations are sitting in a box in the dining room. And then there is Jesus.

Oh right...Jesus.

I am very much into the friendliness and familiness and treatliness of Christmas, but I am also very much into the birth of Christliness of it too. So in my lack of seasonal preparation I have been missing out on that most important focus of it all and I feel it. And it's disappointing.

At least this song from Sufjan Stevens brought to you in "Beautiful Psychedelic Electric Groovy Vision" helps me feel better.

And the non psychedelic electric groovy version if you are interested.


Tasha said...

We will blow your Christliness Christmasiness brains out tonight.

k8 said...

dude, i'm all FULL of the spirit of christmas this year-I'll put the smack down you when i get home!!!