Take for example the spot right in front of my door. Blah.
So a few weeks ago I finally talked to my landlords about letting me shape it up. When I told my mother, THE GARDENER EXTRAORDINAIRE, she planned a date for us to get some business done. Last night she brought tools, bought me pair of gardening gloves and even gave me some more varieties of the succulent called Hen and Chicks that I love so much.
After some heavy duty weeding.
This rock was buried in the corner by the driveway and a freakin fir tree was rooted under it. After a few damns and a sonofabitch or two, I muscled both the rock and tree out (mostly) BY MYSELF.
Here is my mom being cute (that is the giant rock by the way).
Then Danny stopped by!
So I made him take a picture of me weeding.
My mom built this dry stream bed.
And we wrangled up all the Gay Feathers that were growing wild and put them in one spot.
It got dark before I took more photos, but I still need to get my mom to tell me again the names of the different plants we planted anyway so I'll do all of that tomorrow.
I just love feeling dirt on my feet and hands and I love the physicality, the smell, the satisfaction of digging around in the earth. I've been a potted plant kind of girl the past few years, so I'm looking forward to this leap to a 12 x 6 feet kind of girl. Thanks mom!
oh - I LOVE the little dry stream bed. It's so crazy how addictive gardening work is. Once you get going it's so hard to stop. I wish I could get myself to get going more on my yard but it's been so darn hot that mowing the lawn takes it all out of me.
looks awesome - good job. yes, the dry stream looks really nice. i can't wait for us to have our own house - i am going to master the gardening, i hope.
Beeeeeeautiful! Little gardens are so fun. I'm a master at weeding and I love how when you look at the work ahead of you, you think,"I'll never get through this." Then, when you're all done, it looks like a totally different place. CLEAN and nice to look at. My favorite! I share your gardening love, for now, at least. :o) {Max, my 3 year old, helped me weed the other day, only he pulled out lots of plants. Grr... He was so proud that he had helped, so he didn't get in trouble.}
I am so excited for the day that I have some dirt to plant things in! It looks great...good work!
It looks fantastic! Congratulations on making that rock your prison girlfriend.
It was such fun, I can't wait to help with the finale. If you have a red headed child one day and love gardening I will leave you all I have in my will. Which may amount to the change in the bottom of my purse and clothes you can use for tablecloths, but it's the thought.
thank you for making sula apartments a better place for us all.
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