Tuesday, April 29, 2008

picture book

I just uploaded my last two weeks of photos onto my computer.

This is the most beautiful car wash soap I've ever seen.

These are the most awesome car decals.

This is when I realized I need to be careful with purchasing green crap.

This was a delightful Sunday moment.

This was the best way to spend a lunch hour.

These are the tulips finally coming up in front of my apartment.

This is the weird black hole cloud I saw on my way to work today.


CoCo said...

Dooood. When is Tasha going to start looking prego? It's like she's Amy Poehler in Baby Mama.

Anonymous said...

I really like the pictures. It was like a little insight into you. After Dan-o found your blog I discovered we both know Liz. I work with her at Anthropologie. I think it scared her when one day I said, " I saw some pictures of you on the interweb."
The Other Emily

Katie Elaine said...

i love that bubbles picture. and guess what. I drove past that porch gathering on sunday but it was too late when it registered - oh hey, i know those people, so i didn't stop. but now i wish i had.

Ems said...

katie! you should have turned around! that is what Liz and Emily and Kristina did which is why it was so fun.

Des said...

Emily Clifford. It's Des {Almond} Dana. I found you thru Julie Dana {aka my sister in law, in case you didn't know}. I'm sorry to blog stalk but I enjoy reading your posts, you really crack me up! Come visit me {my blog} at danasmania.blogspot.com
Oh, I am taking it private in the next few days...so hurry! You're awesome.

an illdressed foolishwise said...

i quite fancied that sunday visit myself..

liz informed me that summer means a lot more of hanging out on your pourch.