The dress arrived and low and behold, it was white with big red polka dots. Oh. My mom said it definitely had me written all over it. And yeah, I mean I loved it, I realized that it did have Emily written all over it...just not quite in the way little me was expecting.
Move forward many years and I am fresh home from my mission in Armenia. I was in the car with my grandparents and my grandma said she had a watch to give me because, it had Emily written all over it. This time I was well aware of what that actually meant so when she handed me a little green box I was better prepared, and also delightfully surprised to see what something that looks like me looks like.
Which is apparently interchangeable watchbands and faces.
But that little watch and her many bands have been sitting in my jewelry drawer for a long time now without use. While the watch is adorable and functional, I severely lack on the functional so when the battery died a year ago, I just never got around to getting a new one. And when I was cleaning and organizing my jewelry drawer on Sunday (avoiding homework) I wound it just in case, and what a miracle, it worked. And it has continued to work the past two days I have worn it with two different colors of the bands.
So I'm going to just hope this is a good life sign that I can leave all my broken junk in a drawer for a year and it'll fix itself. Yes?
I want a magic drawer.
(And the word verification is "chilly." It's SO true! It is chilly.)
Isn't it nice to be a person who even has a style so clearly hers that somethings can say Emily all over them?
I have like 4 watches in my jewelry box that need new batteries. Why is that the hardest thing to do?
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