For the past few weeks a friend at work and I have been working on our Top Ten Movies of 2010 lists. I've been holding out to see
The King's Speech before I finalized mine and finally got to it on Friday night, with the bonus of watching another I'd wanted to see,
Rabbit Hole, on Sunday evening. However, I totally forgot that the Golden Globes were also Sunday night, so now I just look like I jumped on the awards boat; but I assure you, I did not!
My Top Ten Movies of 2010, all of which could move up or down a notch or two because I have a hard time committing to set rankings and loved each of them a lot. 1 The Fighter – because Christian Bale but also sooo many other things
2 A Prophet – because I couldn’t stop thinking about it
3 Scott Pilgrim vs. the World – because it is everything that is awesome about film making
4 Social Network – because I wanted it to keep going
5 Winter’s Bone – because people like that really exist
6 The Kings Speech - because it is both serious and hopeful
7 127 hours – because I felt like I was drinking that pee
8 Exit Through The Gift Shop – because really entertaining and funny
9 Inception – because it is like watching a painting
10 Somewhere – because it’s quiet and I like the way Sofia Coppola makes films
Honorable Mentions:*True Grit – cus hello...I really wanted to really love it, but I only really liked it
*Black Swan – because totally compelling, but I think some of the sexy stuff was a little to gratuitous
*The Kids are Alright – cus they felt like a family and Annette Bening was awesome but I was really bugged by Julianne Moore
*Catfish – cus mystery! but I’d watched the Dateline before so I knew everything...oops.
*Easy A - cus it’s been a long time since a smart teenage girl has shown up a teenage movie and Patricia Clarkson and Stanley Tucci were too adorable for words but the Lisa Kudrow storyline was lame
*The Town – cus ALMOST as good as Gone Baby Gone
*Babies – cus babies! but kind of boring
*Jack Goes Boating – cus swimming, but it moved really slowly
*All Good Things – Ryan Gosling and Kirsten Dunst are AWESOME, but the second half feels like a different movie from the first half
*Rabbit Hole - cus great acting, but I didn't want to watch it again
Movies I wish I had seen/haven’t seen yet (but probably won’t until sometime around 2013):Blue Valentine
Casino Jack
Never Let Me Go
Movies I wish I hadn’t seen:I’m Still Here - cus I wanted to punch you in the face Joaquin Phoenix
Leap Year - cus you're better than that Amy Adams
When In Rome - cus too many things were too stupid