Wednesday, February 4, 2009

purple rain

I suppose if he's got a purple sweatshirt and I've got purple pants, then it was only a matter of time before this happened:

I had no idea we could sub-consciously coordinate so well. Talent!

It's throw-up I know, but at least it's kind of cute throw-up right?


Brittany said...

totally cute throw up!

i i eee said...

Yahoo! Yummy grape-flavored throw-up!

Greg and Jayne said...

Mothers never mind their own children's throw up

Elizabeth said...

mostly just throw up though.

Alison said...

ok listen. i used to have those purple pants. (or ones EXACTLY LIKE THEM, i cut them into shorts and now cannot wear them...) but here's the story. i was wearing those pants, feeling pretty good about life, and I was in a parking lot in downtown Provo. I was walking across the parking lot and then I heard someone yell at me from the road in a car passing by. The car was going fast, and the street was noisy, so it was hard to tell what they were saying. But it was most definitely one of two things:

"Nice ass"


"Bad ass" maybe even "fat ass"

it sounded more like the later two, but I have decided it was "nice ass" so that I don't have to feel bad about myself.

And so I say to you in your purple pants, "nice ass."