Monday, February 9, 2009

fly like an eagle

I knew the weekend was going to be a good one when on Friday Aaron and Janelle showed up to my mom's house coincidentally wearing these opposite outfits.

We stayed the night there because Saturday morning we were going to Farmington Bay to watch eagles. There are bald and golden eagles currently stopped over at the Great Salt Lake on their migratory pattern, so during February the Bay is full of them. Like we saw 50 or so. Go America!

Unfortunately, I don't have a fancy camera with a zoom so trying to take pictures was not an effective way to show all those birds. See?

Fortunately, I am very good with photoshop.

Also fortunately, I was close enough to Naomi and Rachel and Aaron and Janelle to take pictures of them.




And I read everyone very interesting eagle facts.

So much fun already! And we haven't even gotten to Saturday night...


Katie Elaine said...

it surprises me a little how jealous i am of this outing. i wish i had seen eagles! thank goodness for your photoshop skillz.

i i eee said...


Hotel California!

Lizbot said...

I love the devil vs. angel outfits, but especially love what ties them together....the purple accents on their shoes. Awesome.

Lizbot said...

Oh, and that they're both brown babies. ha!

Greg and Jayne said...

You forgot your really good omletts