Monday, August 30, 2010

rainbow sign

Remember when rainbow cakes made the rounds on the internet a while ago? Tasha's birthday was last Wednesday so for the world's most colorful woman, I decided to try one.

And it worked! (because it's actually really easy)

Easy and awesome, my favorite combination.

Plus, for the occasion Wyatt did his Spike Lee impression,

and then his old man impression,

and then his sweetest baby in the world impression.


CoCo said...

who cares how the cake turned out, that's rainbow chip frosting. wicked.

Katy and Mike said...

I'm a little behind on blogs, so apologies. Your post on Colorado is beautifully written and the pictures are stunning!! Also, always good to see Brighton's smiling face around here! Mike and I are definitely interested in the fall mix if it's not too late. I'll email you our address.

Tasha said...

I love that cake. I dream about that cake. I want to marry that cake.

And sweetest baby in the world is right.