In a serendipitous coincidence, today happens to be the day Bike Snob was on our very own Radio West program. If you aren't familiar with Bike Snob then you should be because he write amazingly clever blog posts and he loves bikes in a completely egalitarian sense; bikes are functional and fun and practical for all kinds of people. I started to read and love Bike Snob because his point of view reminded me of another less sarcastic, but equally passionate, bike point of view...Christopher's bike point of view.

Because I don't know another person in real life who loves bikes as purely and as simply as Christopher loves bikes. He started mountain biking in junior high school and moved to a road bike a few years later. He figured out ways to build and fix bikes on his own with little money or outside help. He's competed in all kinds of races including the long haul of LOTOJA but considers day to day commuting every bit as important because he thinks bikes are good for both people and the environment. He will help anyone with any kind of bike problem. He will search Craigslist and KSL ads for a bike that fits your price range. He will take you to the bike collective to introduce you to economical part options and a sense of bike community. He will go on a bike ride with you and even if you're huffing and puffing at 20 miles he will make you feel like a million bucks for your effort even if he could go another 50 (when he's in shape that is!).

Of course, the other two bike boys in my life are Aaron and Logan, and both of them are also intense and knowledgeable in their appreciation. But Christopher quietly and kindly seems to be the go-to guy.
Thanks for being born little brother.