In other news, I have been avoiding blogging a little bit because of the following story.
So Jamie came to town a few weeks ago and not only were we able to keep a consistent conversation going for oh...about 7 hours straight, but we decided in the middle of it to take a leisurely walk around Cecret Lake at the top of Alta. A nice family showed up after us and offered to take our photo.
Here we are at the lake, enjoying nature.
After enjoying nature, we started on our way back. Here is Jamie, on our way back.
And then! There appeared, two huge moose right on the trail.
Here is Jamie, with the moose.
Then that nice family from the top who had taken our photo came down after us. And they didn't have their camera with them for like, the first time in all their hiking days. But this was the fist time in all of their hiking days that they'd actually run across moose. They never had in The Tetons, not in Yellowstone, not anywhere. So of course we offered to use our cameras to take their pictures.
The family, with the moose.
We had to find someone else on the trail with a pen to write down their e-mail address on the scrap of paper I had with me. And since I lose things I vowed to keep this safe because they were soooo excited about the photos.
But then I went to find it two days later and I had lost it. I emptied my bag from the hike twice. I went through all my pockets. I called Jamie to see if she had it. And I felt terrible. So I figured I could start a blog called FIND ME THIS FAMILY and through the power of Mormons and the internets I thought I had to be able to find the very nice family from California who now lived in Sandy.
And then yesterday I was looking for something in my purse and there it was, well placed in a pocket that I was sure I would remember to look in (duh).
So besides me being an idiot, all is well in Zion! Now I don't have to use my blog to start a family finding campaign because the family now has their photos. And I can go back to using my blog for the powers of TV.
Dear Emily,
I love reading your blog. I love reading about Morgan and all the adventures you have with your friends. It's fun to see Joel and Nate here and there too. Keep up the great work.
Your Google Reader,
Jane B'ski Lee
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