Tuesday, March 3, 2009


This morning was one more morning in a row of frustrating mornings because I had to listen to the section of local news concerning the Utah State Legislature. And the Utah State Legislature is a carnival of ridiculousness. Ten foot walls in bars? Sure! But guns loose in a car? Why not! And hey, let's keep comfort pets out of public places? That makes sense!

I know I have made it apparent here that politically I swing more left, but not even that far left so I don't think this is liberalism speaking so much as human speaking. In my particular frustration today, I called my Rush Limbaugh loving father because I was assuming that even someone who sees the democratic process differently than I do would still agree that so much of what is proposed in the Utah Legislature is silly at best. And schwoo, he did.

So I plead to anyone in Utah with a brain and legislators (that is everybody just FYI) to maybe occasionally check the 2009 Session Information even though it is kind of boring and not as funny as say, GoFugYourself.

However, in the future GoFugYourself will not have the power to ban dancing (as far as I can tell at least), while the Utah Legislature just might (with the exception of church dances of course).

Please use your brains people.


Naomi said...

Oh, you already know my feelings concerning the UT State Legislature and how it makes my blood boil. Add education policies to the list!

Speaking of which, I need to write that letter to my rep TODAY.

No more delaying.

Megan said...

Thanks for the reminder. Sometimes, okay, all the time, I'm very concerned with national politics and forget the politics in my own flipping sitting.

And thanks for the Footloose. That's why we moved to Lehi. If we get sick of what our bishop is preachin', Dan and I just go on down to the rollermills and dance up a storm. You should see Dan swing from that rope. Brings tears to your eyes.