Friday, February 22, 2008

shake your rump

Some friends talked me into going to hip hop night at a local club last night. I accepted because it had been a long time since I'd done such a thing. My freshman and sophomore years of college my friend Cora and I hit up a weekly 80s night pretty much every week. We'd dance with the energy of 19 year old girls at a club and talk lots about the cute boys we'd see there with regularity (who I believe actually also danced with the energy of 19 year old girls). Up until I left for Armenia it was a weekly highlight, I think in part because not really during the school or work day does Billy Idol blare overhead giving opportunity to shake it.

In the years since I've been back from Armenia I've gone a handful of times, but as is always the case when you take off out of the country for a year or so, the scene changed as friends and familiar faces drifted out and new people made it their regular Thursday thing. And that's fine by me because the shift away from club appeal happened naturally and now in the middle or end of a busy week going dancing sounds about as appealing as a Hannah Montana concert (which is to say, not really appealing at all). But every now and then the bug bites and I was glad I gave into it yesterday. Because until I'm actually on the dance floor, my old tired body forgets that the most fun part of those millions of Thursdays was laughing in a crowd of people I know and getting totally blown away by the dance skillzzz you find your friends have once you're in a dark room surrounded by mostly strangers. Plus uhhh, Outkast remixes and The Notorious B.I.G.? Yes please.

So I think I might loosely plan on this Thursday dance night again. The bartender set out on the bar 10 glasses of water with neon straws so how can you pass up that kind of treatment? Waking up today wasn't as difficult as I expected it would be with the late night (yes it was), but who am I kidding cus I probably would have been awake until 1:00 anyway reading blogs. And if I work in a couple of squats into my bag of moves I figure I can totally count it as working out. Win/win.

In honor of then and now.


Risa West said...

i love billy idol! & i love dancing...80s is my favorite, because you can do whatever the heck you want and it's cool...

The Funderburks said...

I remember those fabulous Thursdays - it was always uber easy to spot Ryan Taylor's tall blondness across the room. Such fun.

Megan said...

Oh I'm glad you found your post mission rump shaker. I never did revive mine. Before my mission I could really get down but after... It was like I was seriously tarded. Well, come to think of it, i probably am. But I'm glad you and billy idol are back together.