Monday, June 27, 2011

broken telephone

I kind of stink at phones. I either have one that is WAY outdated or one that is a little bit broken because I pretty much have only ever cared about a phone to use as a phone. Oh and then also I drop them all the time.

But you don't marry Aaron Sanchez and get to stay out of the technological loop! So I've been holding out on an upgrade for the new iPhone coming in September and in the meantime have managed to go through 2 Craigslist phones. The last one totally crapped out, so Aaron found me another this weekend and since I couldn't transfer my contacts, he went through his address book and gave me anything he had that I would want.

And this morning I noticed my address book starts as any address book should start:

They catered our wedding and we eat there at least once a week...I guess it's time they made it into my phone (and in case you are wondering why double a Aaron is not my first contact it's because he programed himself in as 'My Man').


Mimi said...

I like 'my man'
Chris needs a nick name for my phone, we are so boring. just comes up as 'chris'

k8 said...

i'm always so curious how married people name in each other in their phones. my friend brooke had her husband as "fatty" for the longest time.