There are lots of reasons why it's exciting and fun (I'm going to paint EVERYTHING), but number one might be that Nate sold it to us.
(we're holding pens from the mortgage company as proof in case that isn't clear from our awkward poses)
I never would have thought in elementary school that I'd buy my first place from the kid who wouldn't skate with me at our 5th grade Classic Skating field trip...but I guess things change!
Squee!! Exciting!
(When this pic first loaded, I thought you were both holding matching pregnancy tests...the mortgage company pens is CONSIDERABLY less awkward.)
Yeah, I though the same thing. Pregnancy sticks or fun dip sticks. Congrats grownup.
Em! A home!!
So exciting! I want to see!
So durn exciting. yay! I have been thinking about hanging out with you. Must do it. I could help paint!
I'm with heidikins on the pregnancy test sticks. Or they were tampons. Gross
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