Friday, February 25, 2011

you are what you love

Kristina and I have an ongoing joke about becoming The Unplugger.

Because when I was a teenager a very nice woman was teaching my church class and as part of her lesson she wanted to play a song from a CD. This was like 1998, so it's not as though CD players were a new thing, but nonetheless she had no idea how it worked. Her husband set it up for her and pushed pause on the song so it sat spinning until she wanted to use it. And you know, she was old so it seemed like, okay that she just kept a CD on pause for an hour. But then...after the song was over, she unplugged the CD player to get it to stop. Unplugged the whole thing! CD players have a huge stop button!

I made a mental note right then to never let technology get the best of me, but then...I don't know, I've accidentally kind of turned into an Unplugger in my older years. I wasn't that bad, but for sure it has gotten worse since I married Aaron who loves all that junk.

When we're out he can start downloading something at home with the magic of his phone. His laptop works on the TV so the internet can be huge and my iTunes can play through the TV speakers. Everything from my laptop is now on our desktop, still separate from his stuff and nicely organized. He has set up Google documents so we can both add information to schedules and budgets and stuff. It's all great, but I don't know how to make any of it work. Usually I just push all the buttons on various remotes or try to match up cord shapes with coordinating outlet shapes until Aaron's eyes look like they're gonna pop out of his head and he just does it for me.

So it shouldn't surprise me that when I just e-mailed him a reminder that we are feeding the missionaries tomorrow, that I got this back in response.

If I could only figure out how Mobile Me works, then I would start sending him appointment invitations for all kinds of inappropriate things!


Bebe McGooch said...

Ha! My husband's the same way. I thought I was "savvy" before, only to discover that I'm pretty behind the technological times. Sigh.

Mimi said...

That's Aarie, so logical. Well you guys are doing much better than us. We've lived in our ward for 6 years and have never had the missionaries over for dinner. Oh wait I take that back, we scheduled them once and called and told them pizza and soda would be delivered to their apartment at 6pm. Does that count?

Kristina said...

Oh man totally totally totally. I used to think I wasn't so dumb but when I couldn't figure out how to turn on Jeff's computer screen I realized he's streets ahead.
Also, the eyes bugging out cracked me up.

Greg and Jayne said...
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Greg and Jayne said...

This is so much the same discussion as cars/men vs cars/women and other issues that end up having to do with something whose parts move or whirrr or compute and something with a circulatory system and feelings! I never thought I'd make an argument for boys and girls having some (some, mind you) inherent differences - until I produced three of each. Many girls are technical, many boys are emotional - but somewhere deep in there, men seem often to be enthralled with the way things work (little boys and trucks), and women enthralled with the way people work. That lady may have known how to turn off the cd, but she was way more interested in talking to you girls

k8 said...

mimi-having been a missionary, YOU WIN! Pizza and soda delivered? Yes please.

Ems said...

I know, Mimi I think the same in your own apartment? would have been heavenly!