Thursday, November 11, 2010

chain of fools

A few weeks ago my Aunt Julie organized a 5K to raise money for the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network and to honor my other Aunt Barb. It was a lovely event and Aaron and I happened to pull up to it at the same time Christopher and Tasha pulled up. When Tasha asked if we could help get the boys out of the car, Aaron unbuckled Wyatt and since he was outfitted as a baby animal, Aaron decided to hold him like an baby animal...which sent panic through my body.

And in classic boy behavior, even though none of them are boys, upon seeing the baby animal hold, Logan had to try it...which still sent panic through my body.

And then Christopher had to do it...which didn't send so much panic cus hey, his baby.

My grandpa however, resisted trying it. So maybe there won't be reckless behavior train reactions when we're all in our 80s?


Greg and Jayne said...

Good thing those boys all have strong teeth! I can tell that my dad was saying, "Ohhhwhat did those boys do to this baby!". Or something like it.

k8 said...

ha, that is totally what grandpa looks like he is saying.

gosh i love all these boys though.

april said...

I am constantly alarmed by the things brothers, uncles, and even grandpas will do with babies. So far they're all ok, but still I can't help but hold my breath and cringe every time!

Mimi said...

Of course my brother thought of that!