Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Yesterday Utah was abuzz with talk of THE WORST BLIZZARD EVER!!! And the WORST BLIZZARD EVER basically amounted to a few hours of snow falling.


So, way to freak out everyone who lives in a state that is covered in snow half the year.

And while I work in what seems to have been one of the only offices that didn't shut down in the afternoon, I did manage to sneak out early enough to be home when the snow really started coming down. So I spent the evening with Aaron planning our assigned Thanksgiving dinner dishes, one of us checking the storm outside occasionally out the window. I took a hot shower and spent a decent amount of time after that watching TV on the couch in my bathrobe with my hair wrapped in a towel. And when we went to bed I threw an extra blanket on our bed, not necessarily cus we needed it, but because it felt so cozy.

It's hard this time of year to not sound a little cliched when you say you're thankful for your blessings, but last night I felt particularly aware of mine. Sometimes it's easy to get caught up in things that don't matter, but the harsh weather of winter always reminds me that a warm home, food to eat, hot water for washing, and a bed to sleep in are more than enough.

And if in my thoughts I add upon those basic blessings the many other layers of reasons I have to be thankful, from my beliefs to my husband to how lovely the artwork hanging on our living room walls is, then I feel a sense of peace that sometimes gets drowned out by the noise of the world.

Something I'm awesome at always remembering though? How wonderful it is to be an aunt. Nephew Garrett is in town (with his parents of course) so my weekend is full of not only the usual Morgan and Wyatt time, but also cousin nephews giggling time.

I am a lucky girl indeed.

1 comment:

k8 said...

those boys are to die for.