Wednesday, September 29, 2010

on my way back home

Aaron my sweet, I love you. I love your flat billed baseball caps and teenage style. I love your ambiguously ethnic face. I love that you don't care about movies made before the late 90s, or music at all outside of hip hop and electronic. I love everything about you.

BUT. After Band of Horses last night, I was reminded that a little bit of my heart will always belong to American-made, long haired and/or bearded, rock and roll...preferably from the South.

In another life, in an older decade, I could have been a groupie.

**I know Neil Young is Canadian, but that is like basically American.


k8 said...

about the time i find myself saying "that is rhett miller right?" i think "oh, we must be sisters."

Jamie said...

Amen. Nothing will ever take the place of that music in my heart.

pburt said...

"Ambiguously ethnic?" That's funny!