Tuesday, May 25, 2010

romance to the grave

I'm back! And I know everything there is to know about life because I've been married for a week, so let me know if you need advice or anything.

The wedding and receptions and honeymoon were all lovely...it's great to feel so satisfied about the last week and a half of events and to have such amazing people in my life who made it all possible. I'm going to really revel in some gratuitous wedding recap posts soon, but until then, we got these couple of photos early from our photographer.

And in case the internet didn't get enough of a blitz from Cliffords who posted all over Facebook...get ready for round two on my blog!

PS - Our photographer was the delightful and talented Mark Owens


heather said...

I wanna see LOTS of pictures cuz I'm not fb friends with anyone. Well, in your family at least. Congrats! You look absolutely beautiful!

Sra said...

Love the dress!

Megan said...

i'm absolutely sick about missing it. SICK. and the really crappiest part is that I was just planting tomatoes in my garden and got all dirty and forgetful. And then my tomatoes are probably gonna die because of the blizzard. So it was for NO. GOOD. REASON.

Anyway, you look so LOVELY and the wedding day pizza is absolutely genius. It makes for awesome pictures, plus hello! FOOD! I think I starved on my wedding day.

Meikel said...

Still mad we missed it, and I am dying over your bouquet, and dress, and pics and well you just have great taste Mrs. Sanchez.

Linda said...

So glad you had a great week of wedding events! Yay! I wish you the best, Emily.

marshall p said...

congratulations! where did you get your dress?