Tuesday, September 6, 2011

love cats

Okay, I have some things to catch up on around here, but first the most recent and exciting news.

Aaron and I have hit the cliche moment in our marriage where we're (he's) not quite in baby mode yet but we (I) are (am) getting there, so for the time being...we got a kitten!

And I mean, even as a total non-pet person, when my friend Emilie posted on Facebook that she was looking for a home for this guy last week, I totally melted.

I couldn't resist! We really weren't thinking about getting a pet at all or anything but when I saw him, something seemed to click and after a weekend of kitty sitting, it clicked for Aaron too (hoping I don't have to do a test weekend with any actual children we have before he feels ready to keep them, but we'll see!).

Emilie's family had named him Paul Banks and Aaron has altered it to Pablo so we'll see what sticks permanently. Either way we're having fun with him and he's a great little fit for us.


Dianne said...

I'm not a pet person, but I could handle a cat. And what a cute one you have!

Whits said...

Ahhh adorable. I love my cat who helps replace some of my baby cravings. :)

Mimi said...

You can do a test run with my babies anytime. Anna can't wait to meet Pablo.

Kristina said...

That is such a cute kitten. If somebody could guarantee that a kitten would never turn into a cat, I would be first in line, allergies and all.
Heh, Paul. That's a person's name!

k8 said...

i am torn between wanting to make fun of you and wanting to steal your cat.

CoCo said...

You should've held out for the glow in the dark cat.